Sunday, February 10, 2013

in the morning

This play has become boring. "I" stay as a presence merely to accomodate my other 2 'sons' who share this journey as fellow souls along this pathway. Joey asked me to. And so, this puppet continues the play.

Sleeping a lot in this dream. 12 hours of linear time spent in sleep as a sluggish puppet, but, then , look at the dogs. They sleep, so shall this puppet.

Mornings, that part of the play, waking into this dream once again and dreading it. Walking the puppet outside to take the dogs out, when

this morning the voice inside like a wind said " SEE. THE. GOD. IN. EVERYTHING. IT RUNS THROUGH EVERYTHING."

 and i looked at the snow through these puppet eyes, and the twigs and branches sticking out of the ground, and watched the crows caw through the grey sky and saw it all like a stopped. postcard. a stopped. picture. but underneath was flowing a force .

look underneath this shallow picture, there is a force.

look behind the puppet. focus on the force behind the puppet and the props.

and see .

Monday, February 4, 2013


I seem to be getting tested. This temporary vessel that labelled itself 'Marianne' keeps to itself, mostly, except for an occasional occurence when it drives somewhere or meets someone.

yesterday it received a phone call from a distraught woman who is manifesting as a 70 yr old. She wants to save the world. She went on and on about her concerns, her weariness, her vocal retribution about 'fracking' in Michigan, her worries, her this and that.

This 'Marianne' just listened, but there was no one listening more than that. The test is this :Does this Marianne thing get hooked into the drama of the play?


It just sort of wanders through it. It is like living on another planet with this kind of test.

Part of this 'Marianne' thing wanted to tell the woman "This is not real." But it didn't , because she needs it to be 'real' now. This is her journey. None of my business.

The world is already perfect, Marianne wanted to tell her.

marianne kept still.

It is like living on a planet where everyone thinks the earth is flat and you know it is round.

The test also came when the grandchild decided not to manifest.

Only for a day did 'Marianne' grieve.because I knew the baby is fine. The grief was 'Marianne's' expectations.

The tests seem to suggest that 'Marianne' is becoming tinier and tinier until she is like a dandelion head blowing away and there is one little seed left.

The tests come and I am always surprised that the 'Marianne' does not hook into the drama of the play.